Headlights on During the Day

Headlights on During the Day

Postby DasDan on Sat Feb 12, 2022 3:21 pm

Hi All I am new to my 2012 Triton GLXR and have searched the forum and googled around, but cant find an answer. Are my headlights meant to be on during the day the light switch has no auto mode and I read the manual cant find it in there.

I start the car with handbrake on I read that somewhere but I think its for newer models with DRL. With the light switch to off the lights come on both front and tail lights after about 10secs. If I switch to parkers they go off but when I switch back to off they come back on. I am not sure if this is by design as I drive around I see many tritons with their headlights off during the day.

Thanks for your time.
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Re: Headlights on During the Day

Postby DibbyDibbyDJ on Sat Feb 12, 2022 3:59 pm

Some tritons, previously owned by certain businesses had a regulation for having lights on all the time. It was controlled by a relay under the dashboard. if it bothers you have a look around for it. It will be bolted to the dash somewhere and it will be a standard 4 pin type. It will NOT be in either of the fuse boxes, and they are much smaller.
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Re: Headlights on During the Day

Postby DasDan on Sat Feb 12, 2022 4:07 pm

Thanks for your reply that makes sense it was owned my Metro in a previous owner.
Thanks again will have a look tomorrow.
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Re: Headlights on During the Day

Postby DasDan on Tue Feb 22, 2022 10:02 am

Hi A big thanks you where right I found a REDARC Key-on-lights-on controller high under the dash. Was a job to remove the install was pretty bad they had cut the wires at the plug so no wire to really solder back to and just taped it all up a big mess. Anyway all back and running as it should now and a lot tidier.
Thanks Again
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Re: Headlights on During the Day

Postby DibbyDibbyDJ on Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:59 pm

Nice one. I find that most of these devices are normally fitted very badly. Probably very cheaply as well
2024 Outlander

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